Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Assignment 9: Notes Reflection


My note-taking progress was successful. I thought that I actually wouldn't be able to complete them in class because I was lazy. But even though I had days where I didn't work on them at all, I still finished them early. I guess I work fast in intervals. I didn't struggle, really. My only challenge was to overcome the desire to not do work (which was a battle that I lost some days). However, since I was able to finish anyway, I don't really think I would consider that a struggle. I obviously learned a lot during my note-taking progress. I learned all the answers to the foundation questions, for one. I also learned things outside of my foundation questions, like the general culture of Japan. It's really interesting, actually.

Also, the notes are due on March 14th, which is White Day in Japan. It's a holiday one month after Valentine's Day (girls give guys chocolates during Valentine's Day) where the guys that got chocolate from girls now return the favor by giving chocolates to those girls (which is supposed to be more expensive than what they received). I don't know why it's called White Day, but I guess this kind of connects to my topic because it's in Japan and the genders are specified as being opposite (but I've never heard anyone think of that as controversial).
I guess I'll wear white tomorrow. It's too cold for a dress, though... Oh, conundrums.



  1. I agree, I had days when I didn't want to do any work at all and still got it done. But that's really cool I never heard of White Day I would love to try that one day with my boyfriend lol. But anyways keep up the good work!

  2. That's pretty cool about that holiday. You put in the extra effort to research and include it in your blog post. Going for advanced obviously. :) Ignore the smiley face it was just the only thing I could think of to make the comment seem more positive rather than a criticism.
